How do You R A T E?

I always tell my career mentor site members that there is  corollary to the old saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  That corollary is “performance is in the eye of the customer”.  Your internal and external customers are always judging your performance.  For our purposes of here, think of your boss as an internal customer.

Let’s go back to the concept of “performance is in the eye of the customer.”  I have developed a model of customer service that I use with my consulting clients.  It begins from the premise that after any interaction your customers rate you.  Lately I have begun suing it with my career mentoring clients also,

I’ve created an acronym: R.A.T.E.

  • R stands for responsiveness;
  • A stands for Assurance;
  • T stands for Tangibles;
  • E stands for Empathy.

There’s a very important, but somewhat subtle point about customer service here.  If you notice only one of the four – tangibles – is what you actually do or deliver to your customers.  The other three are the emotional measures by which people judge you.  I believe that these emotional measures are at least as important as the tangibles you deliver – especially when it comes to creating positive personal impact.

Yes, you have deliver the tangibles – whatever your job.  You must produce results.  That’s the cost of a ticket to the career success sweepstakes.

However, you have to pay attention to the other three factors: responsiveness, assurance and empathy if you’re going to make a positive personal impact while you’re performing.  Let’s look at each of these in detail.


You have to ensue that your boss and your internal and external customers see you as someone who is willing to help, someone who understands what needs to be done and is willing to do it.  Other people need to think that you will give them:

  • What they want
  • When they want it
  • In a manner that they can use it


You have to be able to convey trust and confidence.  People need to feel that you are going to deliver.  To do this, you must be very knowledgeable about your boss, and your internal and external customers and their needs and wants.  You need to be clear on what you can offer them to help them meet their goals.


Your boss and customers must perceive you as an individual who understands, cares about and pays attention to their needs.  To do this you need to be willing to walk a mile in your customers’ shoes.  You have to demonstrate to your boss and customers that you are aware of and sensitive to their unique and individual needs.

The career mentor point here is simple common sense.  To build a strong personal brand, you must do more than deliver results.  You have to be seen by your manager and your internal and external customers as a person who is responsive to their requests.  You have to build trust with these individuals, and you need to demonstrate that you understand their needs and issues.

Put these ideas to work and you’ll be on the fast track to the life and career success you want and deserve.

Your career mentor,


PS: If you haven’t already done so, you can download a free copy of my career mentor book Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less.  You will also begin receiving daily success quotes from me.  Go to


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