How Hiring Managers Size up Candidates

The hiring process is stressful — for applicants, and for hiring managers.  I’ve hired lots of people in my time.  I always wanted to make sure that I had the exact right person to fill the opening I had.

This article will give you some good insight into what an employer goes through and looks for when he or she is hiring.

The most interesting part of this article was the “six seconds” idea.  The hiring manager said that she sizes up a candidate in the first six seconds she sees him or her.  Think about that…

“In that amount of time (six seconds), I see their clothing choice, their posture, their confidence or shyness, can see if they’ve brought any material with them or came empty-handed, can read a lot in their handshake, and their voice even saying hello tells me if they are nervous, assertive, reserved etc. The rest of the time I spend with them either backs up my first impression of them or changes it. But I do make an assessment in that six seconds.”

Wow — six seconds to make or break it on a job interview. As this hiring manager says, she might change her mind during the interview, but that initial first impression really counts.

My best advice here is to make sure you present yourself well when you walk into an interview.  Make sure your clothing looks good, you are well groomed, that you come across as confident and assertive.  This first impression might not get you the job.  But by beginning with a positive impression with an interviewer, you won’t be waging an uphill battle to reverse a negative first impression.

Your career mentor,


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