How to Answer Tough Interview Questions

Interviews can be stressful — at least that’s what members of my career mentoring site tell me.  I haven’t had a job interview for over 30 years.

There are several questions that you are likely to get in most interviews.  The article below provides you with some great ideas on how to answer these questions.

You’ll notice that all four of the answers (and I think they are all great) suggest that you tell a story.  I love this advice.  I tell members of my site to use the S.T.A.R.T. method for answering any interview questions.

Begin by describing a Situation.  Explain what was happening at the time.

Move to discussing the Task you were asked to do to address the situation.

Then explain the Action you took.

Hopefully your Results were good, but even if they weren’t, explain what happened.

Finally, tell the interviewer what you Takeaway was.  What did you learn from this situation and task, the action you took and the results.

It’s that simple to answer almost any interview question.  It helps to anticipate questions you think you’re going to get and prepared answers beforehand.  But if you master the S.T.A.R.T. model, you should be able to handle any question that comes your way with confidence.

Your career mentor,


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