How to be a Good Team Member and Great Team Leader

Do you remember the Chilean Mine Rescue? Back on August 5 2012, 33 miners were trapped a half mile from the surface when the copper mine in which they were working suffered a cave in. It took 59 days – and some major teamwork — to get the miners out safely.

My friends at Advanced Knowledge Inc have created a video called “The Unstoppable Team” about the dramatic Chilean mine rescue that will provide you with some common sense career success advice on how to become an effective team leader.

I devote 20 tweets in my career success book Success Tweets to relationship building. Strong, trusting relationships are the fuel on which effective teams run. As you move forward in your life and career, you will most likely be asked to lead a task team or two. When this opportunity comes your way, you would be wise to follow the career advice in “The Unstoppable Team.”

Clearly define a common goal and rally people around the goal by creating a vivid connection to the larger purpose of your task.

Effectively reinforce and communicate the goal to keep your team united and inspired.

Identify and leverage the skills and capabilities of your team members.

Forge partnerships and alliances to expand your capabilities.

Stay open to new ideas, emerging leaders and alternative solutions.

This is great career advice when it comes to being an effective team leaders.

My best career advice on being a good team member  in Tweets 137, 138 and 139 in my career success book, Success Tweets

137 — “Do your job; give credit to others for doing theirs. Everyone likes to work with people who share the credit for a job well done.”

138 – “We all make mistakes. Own up to yours. You’ll become known as a straight shooter, honest with yourself and others.”

139 – “Become widely trusted. Deliver on what you say you’ll do. If you can’t meet a commitment, let the other person know right away.

I discuss each of these tweets in detail in my career advice book, Success Tweets Explained. You can download a free copy at

Teamwork is an important key to life and career success. Become a good team player and team leader and you’ll be on your way to creating the career success you want and deserve.

Thanks for taking the time to read my daily thoughts on life and career success. I value you and I appreciate you.



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