How to Become Memorable

Here’s an interesting slide show that shows you what you can do to become memorable.

All ten suggestions are solid career advice, but I particularly like number 7 — be helpful.

When I meet someone new, I always think “how can I help this person?”  Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.  I mentor students at the University of Denver.  One of my mentees is working on an app that will help connect doctors and patients.  The other day I was on campus and saw a flyer for the Health Care Club.  I made a note of the information on the flyer and got in touch with my mentee to tell her about it.  This was a small thing for me to do that took virtually none of my time — yet it was helpful to her.

You can do this at networking events.  When you meet someone new ask yourself who you know that this person should know — based on interests, jobs, geography etc.  You will stand out — be more memorable — if you take the time to help other people, even in a small way like and introduction.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my most popular career success book, Success Tweets and its companion piece, Success Tweets Explained at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.



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