How to Find Angel Investors

Angel investors can play a very large part in helping start-up companies get enough solid footing to become successful.  They are people with high net worth who provide backing to those companies for a stake in ownership.

If you are looking for someone like Manny Fernandez to be an angel investor for your business, you need to go about doing it the right way. Otherwise, you risk wasting your time and also the investor’s. Read on to learn more.

Look Online

Over the years, the internet has become a very valuable tool when it comes to looking for angel investors. There are websites like AngelList that start-ups use. You can hire people and also look for investors on these sites.

These networks include forums and directories where you can find contact information for these potential angel investors. You can then contact them and try to set up meetings.

Only use verified sites though. There are some people out there who might try to bilk unsuspecting people out of money. Verify that these sites are what they say they are.

Use The Angel Capital Association

This group of angel investors can help you get early seed money for your start-up. It’s not hard to get set up and you can get direct contact information to these investors. No having to go through the middleman.

This is not a small network either – you can find over 14,000 of them there. Engaging with them can also help you with possible future partnerships, since they are in close contact with each other. You could find this to be a great resource.

Use Social Media

Social media apps are far from just being a place where people post their thoughts and pictures of their food. Jobs can be found … and funding from angel investors, too. It’s all about how you use it, though.

Of course, if you do use social media, you need to do some research, like finding the proper hashtags to use to allow you to filter out a lot of the unnecessary posts. Posting with these hashtags can also make it easier for potential angel investors to narrow down their own search … and you can show them you have done due diligence and research.

There is also the possibility of messaging them directly. You run the risk here, though, of being lost in a sea of other similar messages. So you should try to make yourself stand out from the others who are likely making the same plea.

Go To Networking Events

There are plenty of in-person events that you can attend and grow your network. Seeing someone in person adds an element that email messages or social media messages are lacking. You can expand on a lot more things that you could in a short email.

People will also be able to see your passion for your start-up and how it can help potential clients/customers. They can see if you will be a disrupter and challenge other businesses to evolve.  Short of an interview, this is where you can shine.

Ask Your Friends or Family

You can tap the network of friends and family, too. There may be a member of your family who can point you to an angel investor. Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones who can help the most.

These are just some of the ways that you can find an angel investor. Once you have, you will have to make sure that everything you have is in order – like a business plan, records of success, and other things. Then you can pursue getting your business funded.


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