How to Get People to Like and Respect You

My friends at The Daily Muse are at it again.  They often post comprehensive articles on life and career success.  Here is one of them…

42 ideas for getting people to both like and respect you.  You should be able to find a couple in there that you can put to work as you go about creating your success.

Today, I’d like to focus on number 4 — Treat Everyone With Respect.

This is not just great career advice — it’s great advice for being human.  Every single person you meet deserves your respect, just because he or she is another human being.  This means that you should respect people who are in a position of authority, people who can help you, and people who can do nothing for you.

I send motivational quotes to my subscribers every day.  One of my favorites, comes from the late Malcolm Forbes, publisher of Forbes Magazine.

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”

Watch the people around you,  How do they treat support staff?  How do they treat interns?  How do they treat the security people in the lobby of the building in which you work?  How do they treat wait staff?

In my experience, truly successful people treat everyone with dignity and respect.  It doesn’t matter what they do, where they’re from, how much money they make.

Treat everyone with respect.  People will reciprocate.  They will like and respect you.  And, being liked and respected is an important first step in creating your life and career success.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my popular book, Your Success GPS at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you those motivational quotes I mentioned above.  I’ll also give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.

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