How to Leave a Lasting Legacy

You don’t have to be a high-ranking employee or CEO in order to leave a lasting legacy. One thing that you do have to be is determined to leave a legacy for which you want to be remembered. What is it that you want to be remembered for doing in your career? Is it positive? With this in mind, let’s look at a few ways you can create your lasting career legacy.

1. Get an Early Start

It’s never too early to get started on creating your career legacy. Figure out what is important to you, how you wish to be perceived as an employee and global citizen, and start creating your legacy now. Waiting until you are in the final years of your career won’t give you much time to leave a lasting impression. Starting early also gives you more time to set your goals and find ways to reach them.

2. Set Your Goals and Reach Them

Speaking of goals, leaving a lasting legacy in your career is going to involve setting some realistic and achievable goals. These goals can be both short- and long-term, and you will most likely have a mixture of both. Prioritize them in the most meaningful way possible, but don’t sweat the small stuff. Also, look at your previous successes and think about how you can build on those in order to create a better future for yourself, your company, and your clientele.

3. Further Your Education

Whether you’re striving for executive leadership status or looking to take a step up from an entry-level position, furthering your education can be a great way to further your goals and more deeply cement your legacy. Many careers don’t require a higher education degree, but having one can certainly benefit you in finding more advanced career opportunities in your field.

4. Communicate and Cultivate

If you truly want to leave a positive legacy, refine your communication skills. Learn how to verbally and non-verbally communicate with those around you so that you are inviting an atmosphere of honesty and diversity. This will help you cultivate a better overall working dynamic that can be carried over well after you retire.

5. Strive For and Promote Excellence

Always strive for excellence and do your utmost to promote it among co-workers and employees. You can lead by example without enforcing the idea that perfection is required for success. It isn’t. Dedication and team work can create excellence, as can learning from mistakes.

Whatever your career, you can leave a lasting legacy for others to follow after you have said farewell and taken a much-deserved retirement. Be true to who you are as a professional and as a person, and let this be the shining positive example you set for others to follow.


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