How To Make Presentations That Help You Get What You Want

There is an old saying, “Nothing happens until a sale is made.”  In other words, no matter how good our product, how great you manufacturing and distribution system, you won’t make any money until you have some sales.  I learned this lesson when I started my coaching and consulting business 26 years ago.

Sales drive revenue and revenue drives business.  That’s why I subscribe to several sales blogs.  I learn by reading them, and I pass on these learnings to my career mentoring clients.

The article below is a great example.  It’s about how to craft winning sales presentations, but it’s advice is useful even if you’re not in product sales. You are salesperson though.   You have to sell your ideas if you want to move ahead in your life and career.

The main message of focusing on the audience holds true whether you’re pitching a product or service to a customer, or pitching your ideas to your boss and other senior people in your company.

You have to tune into station WII FM — What’s In It For Me?  When you can show people how your ideas can solve one of their problems or help them take advantage of an opportunity, you are on your way to a successful presentation.

Follow the seven tips in the article and you’ll be able to design and deliver presentation that will get you what you want.

  1. Get to the point
  2. Make the story about them (not you)
  3. Understand their needs
  4. Feel their pain
  5. Show, don’t tell
  6. Write title slides that tell the story
  7. Make it portable

The last one is very important.  Even if you’re doing an internal presentation, it will probably have to get passed up the line.  Make it easy for your boss (or whomever) to be an advocate for your ideas.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my popular book An Uncle’s Advice to His Niece on Her College Graduation at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site

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