How to Make Regular Deposits to Your Emotional Bank Accounts

I was doing a talk at a very large bank the other day. During the talk, I brought up the point that doing for others with no expectation of return (paying it forward) is the best way to build the strong, mutually beneficial relationships that will help you create the life and career success you deserve.

This morning I came across an article on the Daily Muse that purported to share a “two minute secret” to getting responses from your emails. The secret? Include a link to a relevant news article in your emails. Or, do something for the person to whom you’re sending the email.

Bill Rankin is one of my mentors. I learned that trick from him way back in 1983 or 84. Bill was a voracious reader. He read business publications, news publications, sports publications. A couple of times a week I would get an interoffice mail envelope from him with an article or two that he had clipped from a magazine or newspaper with a note that said something like, “Bud, I thought you might find this to be interesting.” Usually I did.

That took a lot of work way back then – cutting out articles is not as easy as sending a link. But Bill did it. And I know that I wasn’t the only one who benefited from his kindness. Bill retired as a Senior VP. I believe that he was able to climb the ladder partly because of all of the goodwill he built up over the years.

In his famous book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey talks about emotional bank accounts. He suggests that we have emotional bank accounts with every person in our lives. We make deposits into these accounts when we pay it forward. Dr. Covey suggested that maintaining a high balance in your various emotional bank accounts is a great way to prepare for the day when you might need to make a withdrawal – like asking for a favor, also I came up to an article where I found more in-depth info about the FDIC at

Sending a relevant link to your contacts is a great way to make a deposit in your emotional bank account with them.

You can read the entire article on The Daily Muse here.

Your career mentor,


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