How You Can Write the Perfect Resume

I tell members of my career mentoring site that there is no one perfect resume, but that there is a perfect resume for every job.  This means that you need to create a unique resume for every job in which you’re interested.  I’m a big believer in creating a BAR (Big Ass Resume) that lists everything you’ve done and accomplished.  Your BAR is a source document.  You should use it as a starting place when you are creating a unique resume.

This article provides some great common sense advice on how to write a resume that will get you an interview.

You’ll notice that the title of the article refers to “tweaking” your resume.  I think that you need to do more than tweak, you need to start from scratch.  But that’s a quibble.  I love the advice — and the examples — the author provides on how to decode a job description and then prepare a perfect resume.

She is right on when she says…

“Next time you read a job description and think, ‘This position would be perfect for me,’ use the relevant experiences and key words to prove it. You’ll be one step ahead of the candidates who expect hiring managers to connect the resume dots themselves—and one step closer to landing the job.”

I love the examples of characteristics for which employer are looking and key words associated with them:

  • Team Player — work with, collaborate, partner, participate, merge, unite, contribute, develop relationships with
  • Leader — facilitate, manage, supervise, teach, direct, delegate, mediate, recruit, advise, administer, moderate, instruct, guide, counsel, coach, arbitrate, coordinate, inspire, influence
  • Fast Paced Environment — prioritize, expedite, organize manage, high volume, dynamic environment

Reread the article.  Look for the characteristics and the key words that relate to them.  You’ll notice that most of the key words are action verbs.

As I’ve said, there is no perfect resume, but there is a perfect resume for every job.  Take the time to learn as much as you can about a job in which you’re interested.  Use your BAR to identify the accomplishments that make you a good candidate.  The write a resume that makes use of the relevant keywords.  You will land more interviews this way.

Your career mentor,


PS: I write this blog to help people create the life and career success they want and deserve. Now I’m going one step further. I’ve created a membership site in which I’ve pulled together my best thoughts on success. And, as a reader of this blog, you can become a member for free. Just go to to claim your free membership. You’ll be joining a vibrant and growing community of success minded professionals. I hope to see you there.


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