Mentoring and Career Success

I have a huge library of career advice books.  One of them is called Mentor: The Kid and The CEO, by Tom Pace.  Mr. Pace is a member of the National Speakers Association.  He sent me and other members a complimentary copy of Mentor with a unique guarantee.  “I want to extend you a personal guarantee; which is if you read my book and believe it to be a waste of your time, then I will personally give you $100.  I read the book and have no plans for asking Mr. Pace to send me $100.

Mentoring is an important part of career success.  We all need a little help now and then.  Mentors are the people who help us along our career success journey. 

Tweet 51 in my latest career advice book Success Tweets says, “Find a mentor.  Mentors are positive people who will help you find the lessons in your experiences and use them to move forward.”  And that’s exactly what the book Mentor is all about.  It shows how one man made a difference in the life of another and helped put him on the road to life and career success.

Mentor is the story of a young man, Tony “The Kid,” who is in trouble.  It begins with him in jail on a petty theft charge.  He gets sentenced to 90 days.  During that time he meets Malcolm, a local CEO who volunteers his time at the prison in the hopes of helping inmates get their lives on track and build some life and career success.

Tony heeds Malcolm’s advice.  When he is released from jail, Malcolm becomes his mentor.  Malcolm helps Tony find a job and a place to live, and to eventually start his own business.  In the process, Tony helps Malcolm through some tough times of his own.  It isn’t high literature; but it is an uplifting story, the kind that warms your heart.

Mr. Pace does something in the book that I really like.  He created what he calls “The List.”  The List is 135 short pieces of life and career success advice, usually two or three words.  One item from the list appears at the bottom of every page of the book.  Some appear twice.
I like The List because it says a lot about how to become a life and career success in bite sized chunks.  I also like it because it contains a lot of ideas on how to become build strong relationships with the important people in your life.  See for yourself.  Here are ten items on The List.

  • Have integrity.
  • Have values.
  • Listen well.
  • Don’t take things personally.
  • Help others.
  • Encourage others.
  • Repay favors.
  • Accept responsibility.
  • Value people.
  • Share in others’ joy.

If you incorporate these ten items in your daily life, you will become a life and career success.  You will be doing the small things that make you a person of value.  Other people will recognize this, and want to be around you.

You can get a complete copy of The List by logging on to  I suggest you do.  As I’ve mentioned above, The List provides some great life and career success advice in easily digestible, bit sized chunks.  It’s similar to what I tried to do when I wrote Success Tweets.

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  Pay attention to the career advice in Tweet 51 in Success Tweets.  Find yourself a mentor to help build your career success.  Build strong relationships with the important people in your life if you want to become a career success.  Do this by practicing the advice dispensed in the book Mentor.  Act with integrity. Live by your values.  Listen well.  Don’t take things personally.  Help and encourage others. Repay favors.  Accept responsibility.  Value people.  Share in others’ joy.  These items are on Tom Pace’s list in Mentor.  They are great career advice, and a good place to start your journey to the life and career success you want and deserve.

That’s a little bit about the career advice you’ll find in Tom Pace’s book Mentor.  I love this book’s message and common sense message about life and career success.  Get it and read it and let us know what you think by leaving a comment.  As always, thanks for reading my career success advice.  I appreciate you, and want to help you become the life and career success you deserve to be.



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