Networking Mistakes to Avoid and What to Do If You Make One

Lately several of my career mentoring clients have come to me with a similar problem.  They say, “Bud, I was pretty good at networking when I was looking for a job, but once I found one I lost track of most of my contacts.  Now I’m looking again and have to rebuild my network.”

This is a sad, but all too common, problem.  The solution is simple.  Stay in touch with your contacts.  Build your network continually.

This article describes five networking blunders, and what to do if you’ve made one.

There is good advice here, but I want to focus on follow up.  As it says in the article, if you tell someone you will follow up, do so.  It’s just good manners.  It doesn’t take that much time.  And following up will help cement your relationship with that person.

But follow up is important — maybe even more important —  with your existing contacts.  Stay in touch, via email via phone.  Three or four times a year is enough.  No matter how busy you are you can always find the time to send an email or call one or two people in your network every week.  Follow up is the key to successful networking.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my bestseller, Climbing the Corporate Ladder at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.


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