Your career mentor is always looking for interesting ideas to share with you.

I saw this headline in an email I received from Kevin Eikenberry


How did you read this?

Opportunity is nowhere? or

Opportunity is now here?

I admit that I first read it as opportunity is nowhere — and I’m an optimistic guy.

A couple of points here…

First, it’s important to discipline yourself to look for the good in situations.  In this case, opportunity is now here — and it is.  There are lots of opportunities, you just have to look for them and pay attention when you find them.

Second, pay close attention to what you see and hear.  The other day, I sent a motivational quote to my subscribers.  It was Thomas Jefferson.  It read, “I’m a big believer in luck. The harder I work, the luckier I get.”  Later that day, one of my subscribers opted out of receiving my quotes.  Her feedback was “I don’t believe in luck.”  I could be wrong but I one of two things happened.  a) she read the first part of the quote and stopped reading, or b) she missed the point of the quote — hard work is what brings us luck.

I was guilty of both mistakes when I read OPPOTUNITYIS NOWHERE the first time.  I missed the point because I saw the negative first — mainly because I didn’t pay close enough attention.

I’m not trying to make a big deal out of this little play on words — but I think it is something worth thinking about.

Your career mentor,


PS — You can subscribe to my daily motivational quotes by going to my website and entering your contact information in the box on the top right side of the page — www.BudBilanich.com.

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