Resuwitters and Communication

You need to be able to sell yourself if you want to succeed in your life and career.  Your resume is one way to get noticed by potential employers.  It takes effort and good communication skills to write a good resume.  You need to be able to condense your experience into something meaningful to potential employers.

I was on the Monster blog the other day and saw an interesting post, “Your Resume…in 140 Characters.” It asks you to do a resume Twitter style – that means you can use only 140 characters.  I like this concept because it makes you get to the essence of who you are and what you have to offer.  If you can reduce your resume to a “resuwitter,” you’re probably a good communicator.  Check it out, and let me know what you think. 

Here’s my resuwitter…

Common Sense Guy for hire.  Passionate about helping individuals, teams and organizations fulfill their potential by applying their common sense.

I want your opinion on this – and I want to have a little fun.  Write a resuwitter and submit it as a comment.  I will collect all of the resuwitters submitted and post them on this blog – and then the readers will vote for the best resuwitter.  The winner will receive a free autographed copy of my new book “Straight Talk for Success.”

The common sense point here is simple.  A resuwitter – a 140 character resume – is a great way to get at your essence as a professional.  I wouldn’t suggest that you use a resuwitter in place of an actual resume when job hunting, but I think the exercise is helpful in getting you focused on exactly who you are and what you have to offer.  Try writing one.  I think the exercise will help you write a better complete resume.

As always, I’m interested in your perspective on these thoughts.  I welcome and appreciate your comments.  Thanks for reading.



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