Smart phones have become a indispensable part of life for most of us. Unfortunately, smart phone usage can sometimes be downright rude.
Ann Marie Sabath is a friend of mine and a business etiquette consultant. The other day I received an email from her with a four question test that will tell you how polite you are when it comes to smart phone usage. Take the test and see how you do.
1. Do you walk into meetings without putting your
smart phone on vibrate?
2. Do you peek at your smart phone during meetings
rather than giving your undivided attention
to those around you?
3. Do you use your smart phone as a buffer in order to
avoid making eye contact and small talk with others?
4. Is your smart phone typically visible during meals?
If you answered “yes” to all four questions, you may be seen as rude by others.
If you scored a three, you have some brushing up to do.
If you answered “no” to all four questions, congratulations! You appear to follow the motto,
“People first – – and then smart phones.”
I answered “no” to all four questions. But some people see me as old fashioned. My response to that — good manners never go out of style.
How you use your smart phone usage is up to, but I urge you to think about this little quiz — and decide if you want to change your behavior.
Your career mentor,
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