Stay Curious My Friends

David McMurtry is a motivational speaker — and a friend of mine.  Last week he sent me these new year suggestions…

Be a giver

Be a lover

Be a voice

Be special

Be curious

Be a leader

Be a healer

Be a dreamer

Be the change

Be an inspiration

Be a rule breaker

Be a  person who stands for what you believe in

Be compassionate to yourself and others

Above all else…  BE GRATITUDE

I will do my best to be all of these things.  I especially will be curious.

I’ll be 65 this year.  Pretty scary, that’s old enough for Medicare, and a time when lots of people are thinking about retirement.  But not me.  To quote Al Pacino in The Scent of a Woman, “I’m just getting warmed up.”  I have big things planned for this blog and my career mentoring practice this year.

My curiosity is was keeps me going.  I want to know as much as I can about everything.  This curiosity has helped me create a multi million dollar consulting, coaching and speaking business.  More important, it has helped me create a successful and fulfilling life.

I’m an insatiable reader, books, magazines, newspapers, blog, packaging labels, billboards.  Yes billboards.  Cathy, my wife, is always amazed that I read billboards.  My smart aleck answer is “If they took the time to put them up, I can at least take the time to read them.”  Truth be told however, I read as much as I can because I want to know as much as I can about many different subjects.

I believe this makes me a better coach and consultant and a more entertaining speaker.

My wish for you this year is to stay curious.  The more you learn, the more you know, the better positioned you will be to create a successful and fulfilling life and career.  So, stay curious my friends.

Your career mentor,







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