Stress is a Performance Killer

Outstanding performance is one of the keys to success that I discuss in Straight Talk for Success.  If you want to become an outstanding performer, you need to do three things: 1) Become a lifelong learner; 2) Set and achieve high goals; and 3) Get organized.

In addition, you need to be healthy so you can perform at your best.

If you read this blog, you know I am a big fan of SUCCESS Magazine.  I’ve done a few posts about articles in the October 2008 issue.  I want to feature another article in today’s post.  The “Habits for a Healthier Life” article by Erin Casey highlights the ideas of Dr. Mehmet Oz, called “America’s Doctor” by Oprah Winfrey.

Dr. Oz says that stress is one of the biggest contributors to health problems in today’s fast paced world.  He says that while you cannot avoid stress, you can control your reaction to it.  He suggests that you need to develop a “game plan for life” to mitigate that negative effectives of stress.

Here are four tips he offers for proactively and positively dealing with stress:

• Exercise regularly.
• Eat healthy.
• Build a support network.
• Maintain a positive outlook.


Dr. Oz’s advice is common sense.  And, like most common sense, you already know it.  Unfortunately however, if you’re like many people, you ignore a lot of the common sense advice you get.

  • “It’s too hard to find the time to exercise.” 
  • “I travel a lot.  It’s hard to eat healthy when I’m always eating in restaurants.” 
  • “I’m so busy at work that I don’t have enough time for my family, let alone time for relationships.” 
  • “Yeah, a positive outlook is great, but I need to be a realist.  Just look at what’s happened to the stock market this week.”

These are the kinds of excuses that I often hear when I encourage people to use common sense advice like Dr. Oz’s ideas above.  They are all true enough — but they are also excuses for not doing things we really don’t want to do.

It’s sad, but true.  We often ignore our own common sense and the common sense advice we get from others.  There is a reason why Dr. Oz’s stress tips are common sense.  They work!

That’s why common sense is the cornerstone of my work – this blog, my books, my talks and my executive coaching.  I am on a crusade to get people to use their common sense – and not make excuses for not using it.  Because common sense works.

Put Dr. Oz’s common sense advice to work.  Start today.  I’m going for a bike ride as soon as I finish this post.

The common sense point here is clear.  Outstanding performance is a key to success.  Good health is a key to outstanding performance.  Stress can damage your health.  You have to deal with it proactively by exercising regularly, eating well, building a support network and maintaining a positive attitude; and using your common sense.

That’s my take on Dr. Oz’s ideas for dealing with the stress in your life.  What’s yours?  Please leave a comment sharing your thoughts with us.  I really appreciate all of the comments I get.  As always, thanks for reading – and writing.



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