Success Tweet 17: Your Values Center You

This post is a continuation of my series further explaining the ideas in my new book Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less.  I am giving away the eBook version of this book.  If you would like a copy, go to

Today, I am focusing on Tweet 17…

Clarify your personal values. Your values are your anchor.  They ground you. They center you.  They keep you focused on what’s important.

Your personal values are important for a number of reasons.  They help you determine the types of people with whom you want to spend your valuable time.  They help you determine which company you want to join.  They help you make decisions in ambiguous situations.  This career success coach is a big believer in the power of personal values.

Here is what I value.  These values guide my life.  They ground me and center me.  They keep me focused on what’s important.

Common Sense. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “nothing so astonishes men as common sense and plain dealing.” I agree. I help my career success coach clients figure out the common sense solution to creating the life and career success they want and deserve, and then to do the work it takes to apply their common sense.

Simplify the complex.  I believe that all too often people make things more complex than they really are. I help my career success coach clients simplify the complex, and develop and implement common sense solutions to their clife and career success aspirations.

Optimism. I believe that optimism is essential for anyone to grow and flourish.  I live by the words in The Optimist Creed.  I share these words with my career success coach clients.  If you would like a copy, go to

Human potential. I believe we all can accomplish great things.  I help my career success coach clients use applied common sense to achieve their full potential.

Value.  My career success coach clients pay hard earned money for my services. I provide them with extraordinary value-added services in order to justify their faith in me.

Trust.  My career success coach clients trust me. They openly discuss their hopes, fears, problems and opportunities with me. This trust is sacred. I will not violate it.

Individuality.  All of my career success coach clients are unique individuals. I honor this uniqueness. I don’t sell one-size-fits-all coaching  services. I am diligent about gaining a complete understanding of each individual’s unique needs as I begin working with him or her.

Hard work.  There are no shortcuts.  I am willing to put in the time and effort necessary to succeed.  I share this message with my career success coach clients.  I encourage them to be true to themselves by being diligent in pursuing their career success goals and dreams.

The Power of 1.  One person can make a difference. I do the work I do, because I believe I can make a difference — in the lives of my career success coach clients, and in the world. 

Those are my values.  What are yours?

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  Successful people live their lives by a set of well defined personal values.  They follow the advice in Tweet 17 in Success Tweets: “Clarify your personal values.  Your values are your anchor.  They ground you.  They center you.  They keep you focused on what’s important.”  If you haven’t taken the time to clarify your personal values, you need to do so – the sooner the better.  This is some of the best career advice I can give you.  Clarifying your personal values will help you deal with the ambiguity and complexity the world throws at you. 

That’s my take on Tweet 17 in Success Tweets.  What’s yours?  Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment.  Better yet, share your personal values with us.  As always, thank you so much for reading.  I really appreciate it.



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