Success Tweet 27: Create Goals for All Parts of Your Life

My latest career success coach book, Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less is now available on and in bookstores.  I am in the process of blogging about each of the tweets in it. You can get a free copy of Success Tweets at  If you like it, I’d appreciate a positive review on

Today’s focus is Tweet 27, one of several tweets on the importance of goal setting and goal achievement…

Create goals in all areas of your life: career, personal, business, family, hobbies, health and fitness.  Make sure they are congruent.

Since I am a self employed career success coach, my career and business goals overlap.  I have personal goals that overlap with my health and fitness.  Biking and reading are my hobbies.  I have goals for them too.  My most important goal is to be a loving and supportive husband.

My career and business goals focus on helping others succeed, getting my career success coach message out in as many different ways as I possibly can, and making enough money to let me travel less and work from home more. 

I have lost quite a bit of weight in recent years.  My personal and health goals focus on maintaining that weight loss and losing even more.  I have a long term goal of doing a metric century bike ride (62 miles) in 2011. 

I set goals for my reading hobby as well.  I have a goal to reread several of Tolstoy’s works this year. 

I also have goals for our marriage.  My marriage goals intersect with my business and career goals.  The more time I spend at home, the more time I have to devote to our relationship.  This means that i need to do a good job on my business and career goals.

See how this works?

What are the important parts of your life?  Do you have goals in each of them?  Are these goals congruent?  Even though I am a career success coach, I urge you to spend time thinking about both your life and career success.  Create goals in all parts of your life.  Make sure these goals are congruent.  You’ll be happier – and more likely to achieve the career success you deserve –this way.

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  Successful people are well rounded.  They set and achieve goals in all facets of their lives.  What are the important parts of your life?  Do you have goals for each of them?  If not, create some.  Follow the advice in Tweet 27 in Success Tweets.  “Create goals in all areas of your life: career, personal, business, family, hobbies, health and fitness.  Make sure they are congruent.”  Pay particular attention to being congruent.  Your goals need to complement one another.  If they don’t, you’ll find yourself trying to juggle competing priorities.  This is difficult at best, and often leads to failure on several fronts.  Congruent goals on the other hand will complement one another and lead to your life and career success.

That’s my take on Tweet 27 in Success Tweets.  What’s yours?  Please leave a comment telling us how you balance the goals in the different part of your life.  As always, thanks for reading.


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