I’m almost half way through this series of career success coach posts explaining the ideas in my latest book Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less. You can purchase a copy of Success Tweets at your local bookstore or at Amazon.com. Better yet, you can download a copy for free at www.SuccessTweets.com.
Today’s career advice comes from Success Tweet 69…
Demonstrate respect for yourself and others in your dress. People will notice and respond positively to you.
How you dress says a lot about how much you respect yourself, and how much you respect other people. You read that right. Your attire is about respect. If you respect yourself, you will dress well and look good. If you respect other people, you will dress well and look good. It’s as simple as that.
Just this morning, I saw something on line from the Napoleon Hill Foundation that applies here.
“If you haven’t the willpower to keep your physical body in repair, you also lack the power of will to maintain a positive mental attitude in other important circumstances that control your life.”
While this quote is directed at your physical condition, it applies to the condition of your wardrobe as well. You have to take the time to keep your clothes in good repair. Clothes that are clean and pressed, fit well and are in good repair show that you care.
Clothes that are wrinkled, have spots from previous wearings, are too tight – or too big – and have missing buttons or undone hems characterize you as someone who doesn’t care. Someone with little self respect. Someone with little respect for other people.
People notice how you look. It’s as simple as that. So put a little thought into getting dressed each day. Make sure that what you wear reflects the professional you are. You don’t have to spend tons of money on your wardrobe. But you do need to maintain it. Pay attention here, this is solid career advice.
When I was in high school, I saw a movie called “To Sir, With Love.” Sidney Poitier played a teacher in a tough neighborhood in London. He was determined to teach his students life lessons in addition to the regular curriculum.
He had only a couple of shirts and ties. But he washed and ironed his shirts after every wearing. He looked good in the classroom. He did this because he respected himself and his students. He wanted to be a positive role model.
That movie is over 40 years old, but Sidney Poitier’s dedication to pride in personal appearance has stuck with me all these years – and it’s the main lesson that comes from today’s career success tweet.
The common sense career success coach point here is simple. Successful people respect themselves and the people they meet. Your appearance is one way to demonstrate self respect. Follow the advice in Tweet 69 in Success Tweets. “Demonstrate respect for yourself and others in your dress. People will notice and respond positively to you.” Taking a few minutes each day to make sure that your clothes are clean and in good repair shows that you care. And when you care, other people notice and respond positively to you. Showing that you care is a great way to create positive personal impact.
That’s my take on the career advice in tweet 69 in Success Tweets. What’s yours? Please take a minute to leave a comment, sharing your thoughts with us. As always thanks for reading.
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