Success Tweet 89: What’s Really Important to You?

I’m really enjoying writing this series of posts further explaining the ideas in my latest career success coach book, Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less.  I hope you’re enjoying reading them.  I’m pleased to say that Success Tweets is now in its second printing.  You can pick up a copy at your local book store, or online at  Better yet, you can download the eBook for free at

Today’s career advice comes from Tweet 89…

Create your own unique personal organization system based on your needs and what works for you.

When I did a Google search on “personal organization” I came across an article by Roy Posner in which he listed several ways in which you can become better organized.  Here is his career advice for becoming better organized:

  • Organize the physical things around you — your home, your paperwork and your finances.
  • Increase your level of cleanliness and orderliness.
  • Be punctual and on time.
  • Prioritize to whom your emotions and attention should go. 
  • Manage your time, your schedule and your work.
  • Systematize activities in your life — from cleaning and cooking to bookkeeping.
  • Balance your work load during the day.
  • Coordinate and organize your communications with others.
  • Further organize and distill the knowledge you have in life.
  • Delegate work, tasks, and duties to others when appropriate. 
  • Determine your goals and aspirations.
  • Sort out what is truly important to you in life.
  • Organize and prioritize your personal values.
  • Organize your mind and your thoughts for better thinking and understanding.

Which things on this list give you the most difficulty?  What have you done to deal with them?  What’s worked and what hasn’t worked?  Please leave a comment sharing your personal advice with us.

I’ve found that two pieces of Roy’s advice have benefited me greatly over the years.  By “sorting out what is truly important to me in my life,” and “organizing and prioritizing my personal values,” I’ve been able to create the focus I need to become a life and career success.

Early on, I discovered that I value three things above all others.  1) Always do your best.  2) Treat everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve as human beings.  3) Be willing to help others with no strings attached.

Once I came to the understanding that these principals are the ones by which I want to live my life, little things — like choosing a career — became obvious to me.  That’s why I became a VISTA Volunteer upon my graduation from college and why I got into the training and development field after I completed my year of service.

It’s also why I’ve expanded my consulting and speaking practice to include coaching.  Being a career success coach allows me to work one to one with others, helping them achieve life and career success.

What is truly important in your life?  What are your personal values?  How have you used them to guide your quest for life and career success?

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  Outstanding performers are well organized.  They follow the career advice in Tweet 88 in Success Tweets.  “Create your own unique personal organization system based on your needs and what works for you.”  Determining the things that are truly important to you in your life can help you become better organized.  Once you are clear on what is important to you, and the personal values by which you want to live your life, it becomes easier to make important life and career success decisions.  If you are floundering a bit, go back to basics.  Determine what is truly important to you in life.  Then choose a set of values that will guide your behavior.  Once you do this, a lot of life and career success decisions that may have been perplexing will become more clear to you.

That’s my take on the career advice in Success Tweet 89, personal organization, and personal values.  What’s yours?  Please take a minute to leave a comment on your experiences in this area.  As always, thanks for reading – and writing.



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