Success, Weddings, Cross Country Moves and Optimism

Self confidence is one of the keys to success that I discuss in Straight Talk for Success.  If you want to become self confident you need to do three things.  1) Become an optimist.  2) Face your fears and act.  3) Surround yourself with positive people.

I spent the weekend with two very self confident young women.  Morgan and Brett McIlwain are my nieces.  Morgan got married on Saturday.  Brett has just moved from Jacksonville FL to San Diego.

Morgan and Aaron O’Reilly’s wedding was great.  They both chose well.  I’m really happy that Aaron has joined our family.  And I’m happy that Morgan has joined his.

Getting married is an optimistic act.  Morgan and Aaron are beginning a life together in uncertain times.  He was just transferred, so she is looking for a new job in a new city.  Right now they’re living on one income, not two.  That’s OK with them.  They’re young and in love, and they are looking forward to the future.  They are choosing to ignore the uncertainties of the times and are moving forward in their life together.

At their rehearsal dinner, Aaron thanked everyone for coming to support Morgan and him as they begin their life together.  He talked about how they complement one another, and how he is looking forward to his new life roles – becoming a husband right now, and a father down the road.  I was touched by their love for one another and their faith in the future.

And – they really know how to throw a party.  Cathy and I had a great weekend in Jacksonville Beach.  The party was great, but the reason behind the party is more important.  Weddings are a time for the people who love a couple to get together to support them in their union.  Yes there are gifts to help in setting up a household, but the emotional support from a gathering of close friends and family is way more important that the gifts.  Wedding celebrations are a great way for a couple to surround themselves with positive, supportive people as they begin their life together. Don’t forget to get a photo booth so you can capture all the memories, check out the wedding photo booth in Singapore price.

Brett is a risk taker.  For the past several years, her dream has been to live in California.  She left a secure job in Florida to move to California to pursue her dream.  If you’ve been paying attention to the news these days, you know that the California economy has been hit very hard by this recession.  Jobs are scarce.

However, Brett is an optimist.  She didn’t let her fear of the unknown – and the poor California economy – stop her from pursuing her dream.  And you know what?  She’s doing OK.  In the two weeks since she’s been in San Diego she has had four interviews and is feeling confident that one of them will result in a job.

Brett also was smart enough to make the move with a small network of friends.  Her boyfriend and four of her college friends are joining her in San Diego.  She has surrounded herself with positive, supportive people.  They reinforce one another.  They help each other through the ups and downs of job searches in a new town, far away from home.  Brett has a support network that will help her through the tough times and will be there with her to celebrate her successes.

I’m proud of Morgan and Aaron and of Brett.  They are self confident, optimistic young people who are willing to face their fears and take positive actions that are moving them toward personal and professional success.

The common sense point here is simple.  Successful people are self confident.  Self confident people are optimistic.  They face their fears and act.  And they surround themselves with positive people.  My nieces have impressed me with their self confidence and optimism.  As the Optimist Creed says, they are looking at the sunny side of everything and making their optimism come true.  I am a big fan of the Optimist Creed.  I have it hanging in my office just above my desk.  If you want a copy of the Optimist Creed to hang in your office or workspace, go to

That’s my take on weddings, cross country moves and optimism.  What’s yours?   Please leave a comment sharing your experiences with us.  As always, thanks for reading.



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