The Best Question to Ask in an Interview

There comes a time in every job interview when you will be asked, “What questions do you have for me?”  Even though this question is asked in about 99% of all interviews, I’m surprised at how many people seem surprised by it.  You’re going to get this question folks.  So you need to prepare and have a couple of good questions ready to go.

This article suggests that there is one question that will really impress the person on the other side of the table…

“How will the work I’ll be doing contribute to your company’s mission?” is a great question.  As the article points out, it shows that you are a big thinker, someone who understands that you are a part of something bigger than yourself.  It also shows that you have done your homework.  You’ve come prepared to discuss the company’s Mission and Vision.

While I like the question suggested in the article, I think it’s less important to ask the best question then to come to the interview armed with as much knowledge about the company as you can find.  Hiring managers are impressed with people who have taken the time to learn abut their company before they arrive at an interview.

This short video lays out seven more questions you can ask to impress an interviewer — and why you should ask them.

As with most things in life, preparation is the key to succeeding in a job interview.  The questions highlighted in this post can help you land the job.  Adapt the intent of each question to your personal style.  Then go out and wow ’em at your next job interview.

Your career mentor,


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