Ann Marie Sabath is a business etiquette specialist. She publishes a monthly etiquette tip. I’m a subscriber. You can subscribe here. This month’s tip was about the power of saying thank you.
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As the saying goes, “action speak louder than words.” This adage also applies to both how and when you say thank you.
Whether you are extending your appreciation to a prospect for business, complimenting a server for an outstanding meal or displaying your gratitude to a colleague for meeting a deadline early, the term, “thank you” is much appreciated.
A business person simply says thank you. A business professional goes over and above by extending appreciation in writing.
I really like what Ann Marie has to say here. In this day of email, handwritten thank you notes may seem like a quaint relic of an earlier time. But they aren’t. A handwritten thank you note on nice card stock will make you stand out from the pack. It brands you as a polished professional — and that’s a good thing.
Your career mentor,
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