The Importance of Staying Relevant

I’m an old guy, turned 64 in August, so when I saw this article on line, I immediately click on it.

As the article points out, Blackberry is  a perfect example of a company that lost its relevance.  I remember the days when people who were tethered to their Blackberry called it a Crackberry because it was so addictive.  Then Apple introduced the iPhone and almost overnight Blackberrys were irrelevant.

The same is true for you in your career.  You have to stay relevant.  If you don’t you’re won’t be treading water in your career, you’ll soon be drowning.

Here’s a personal example.  When I was young I wanted to build my brand as a thought leader in the Training and Organization Development field.  I decided that being published was a good way to do this.  In those days, there were two major publications in my field, the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) journal and Training Magazine.  I worked hard and got a few articles published in each of those magazines.  Fast forward several years.  I was working on my own and think that a book would be a great branding tool.  So I learned how to self publish.  Then along came blogging.  So I got a WordPress account and started this blog.  Now I’m planning on doing some video blogging in the new year.

All of this is my way of staying relevant.

You don’t have to follow my path on staying relevant — or the path that the guys in the article took.  But you do have to stay relevant.  You need to keep your skills up to date and keep up with the changing times.  Staying relevant is something you have to work on consistently.

What will you do to avoid going down the path of the Blackberry?

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my bestseller, Straight Talk for Success at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.

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