Three Job Search Hurdles

Searching for a job can be frustrating.  After working with many members of my career mentoring site I’ve found that there are three really big frustrations: 1) Not getting called for any  interviews, 2) Not getting past the phone screen interview, and 3) Getting in person interviews but no offers.

This article does a good job explaining why each of these frustrations happens and makes some excellent suggestions for what you can do to avoid them…

I really like the networking template that addresses the problem of not getting interviews.  Networking is the best way to find a job.  Don’t waste your time responding to job board listings.  If you find a job in which you’re interested, get networked into that company.

The link to the 31 answers to common interview questions provides some great advice on how to ace phone interviews.  As the article suggests, you have to practice so that you have these answers down cold.  I once aced a phone interview while I was naked.  I had just jumped out of the shower when the phone rang.  The person on the other end was the hiring manager for a job in which I was interested.  He asked if we could speak, I said, “Yes.”  We talked for over an hour as I sat in a chair in my living room with a towel under my butt and another one draped over me.  I aced that interview, got invited to the company’s headquarters and got the job.  I was able to do this because I was prepared.

If this happened today, I would be a little more assertive and tell the manager that I had just left the shower and ask if I could call him back in a 10 or 15 minutes.  In those days, I never let an opportunity slip by, so I did a naked phone screen interview.

Finally, the guide to researching companies is a must read before you show up for an in person interview.  You have to go into an in person interview with as much information about the company, its products and industry as you can find.  This demonstrates that you’re serious about this particular job and this particular company.

The above article — and the links — is one of the best I’ve seen on overcoming the three most common frustrations in a job search.  Bookmark it and refer to it often.

Your career mentor,


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