Student loans have gotten a lot of attention lately. There was a big article about them in the New York Times last Sunday. They were a topic of discussion in the Democratic Presidential debate. And I’ve had many conversations with my MBA students at the University of Denver about the debt they are carrying as they graduate.
Couple student loan debt with the high cost of living – here in Denver the average rent for a one bedroom apartment is $1,400 – and even folks who land a good job sometimes struggle financially.
It’s no wonder that many young – and not so young folks – are taking side jobs.
That’s why this infographic by Colette Cassidy of All Finance Tax caught my attention. It outlines a few of the best-paying side jobs out there. Not all of these side jobs will work for everybody. But if you’re looking to pick up a little extra cash, check out the infographic below.
Your career mentor,
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