If you think black tie means Chucks with a tux, you’re doing it all wrong. Or are you? Deciding what to wear when to which event — so you don’t end up looking clueless — can be overwhelming for the fashion-challenged. But, with a little help, it’s not so bad.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a quick and dirty cheat-sheet you could refer to before hobbling together your outfit for your next important soirée, interview or meeting? A dress codes 101 decoder, for him and her? Lucky for you there is. Check the informative infographic from Mannix Marketing below. It covers everything from casual to business casual, to business formal to black tie and beyond.
The most recent Black Tie I went to was quite a shock.
The Dinner Suit was spotless as was the black bow.
The pleated formal white shirt was pressed and crisp.
And yes, I dressed up as requested. On entry, the beautiful sounds of chamber music drifted throughout the venue.
But looking around at the so-called ‘gentlemen’ I started to feel quite a spectacle.
I was the only one in a dinner suit and the next closest to black tie was wearing a black suit and a coloured bow tie…everyone else was lucky to be wearing a tie or a jacket or both.
Dress etiquette was out the window. What a disappointment for the hostess…