What You Need To Do To Get Promoted

Like most career coaches, I help people find rewarding and fulfilling jobs.  Unlike many career coaches, I also help people get promoted once they have a job.

That’s why I found this article very interesting…


Kevin makes some great points in this article — especially when he reminds you that your work will not speak for itself,  Along with the idea, “good performance is enough to get me promoted” it is a huge myth about career success and how to get promoted.

Good performance is not enough and your work will not speak for itself.

I particularly like Kevin’s first two points — Get around the right people, and Stop spending time with the wrong people.  In my experience, the right people are positive people, people who feel good about themselves, their jobs and their company.  The wrong people are negative and cynical.  I’m always advising members of my career mentoring site to hang around with positive people and jettison the negative people in their lives.

I also like Kevin’s points about communication.  You don’t want to come off as a braggart, and you do want to make sure you give credit where credit is due.  On the other hand, keeping your boss informed of what you’re working on and what you’ve accomplished is always a good idea.  As Kevin says, “It’s important that you create an appropriate and effective method of communicating your accomplishments to your manager in a manner that suits their style, not yours.  It should be written, brief, and consistent.  A few bullet points at the end of each week will go a long way in keeping your boss informed.”

Finally, you need to master some career management skills and characteristics.  Here’s the list that I share with members of my career mentoring site…

  • Become a lifelong learner
  • Choose optimism
  • Face your fears and act
  • Work with a mentor
  • Mentor others
  • Manage your time life and stress
  • Live a healthy lifestyle
  • Build a powerful personal brand
  • Be impeccable in your presentation of self – in person and on line
  • Learn and follow the rules of basic business etiquette
  • Develop your conversation skills
  • Write clearly and concisely
  • Become a dynamic presenter
  • Get to know yourself
  • Build relationships by paying it forward
  • Resolve conflict in a positive manners

I help my coaching clients develop these skills and characteristics.  I can help you too.  If you’re interested, sign u for a free 30 minute consultation.  Just send an email to Bud@BudBilanich.com with “free coaching session” in the subject line.  I’ll get back to you and we’ll find a time to chat.

Your career mentor,


PS: I write this blog to help people create the life and career success they want and deserve. Now I’m going one step further. I’ve created a membership site in which I’ve pulled together my best thoughts on success. And, as a reader of this blog, you can become a member for free. Just go to www.BudBilanich.com/join to claim your free membership. You’ll be joining a vibrant and growing community of success minded professionals. I hope to see you there.



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