Wise Ideas for Career Success

Craig DeLarge is a friend of mine.  He is also a wise man.  His book The WiseWorking Handbook is full of his wisdom. The subtitle, “Wise Ways to Increase Your Value at Work” got my attention. As a career coach, I am always looking for solid, common sense information and ideas to pass on my career mentoring clients. I am going to recommend Craig’s book to all of them.

The WiseWorking Handbook is written in a down to earth, engaging style. In the introduction Craig says, “This book has been constructed not so much to be read from cover to cover…It has instead been written as a series of quick reads to benefit the reader when in need of quick consolation and encouragement.” We all need a little encouragement every once in a while in our life and career journey.

I love Chapter 4 — If I Am Humble, I Cannot be Overcome.  As Craig points out, humility gives you the ability to learn from difficult lessons while being able to let go of the pain associated with those lessons.

Chapter 20 — Enthusiasm: The Dance That Attracts Investment — is another of my favorites. My coaching clients will tell you that I am always encouraging them to approach everything they do with enthusiasm.

In Chapter 38 on patience and persistence, Craig provides 11 tips on how to cultivate patience and persistence. I love his advice on accepting that you will make mistakes and fail, and that mistakes and failure are the beginning of learning.

Finally Chapter 56 on Craig’s personal social media strategy is one of the best set of guidelines I’ve ever seen for developing your personal brand and a powerful social media presence.

Get this book. Read it. Keep it handy for when you need a little inspiration or some solid advice on how work wisely and increase your value at work.

Your career mentor,


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