Young Professionals are Finding it Difficult to Manage Their Mental Health When Focusing on Career Success

One of the sad realities of our modern day is that people often tend to focus more on their ability to make money than they do on themselves. Constantly driven to secure a successful career, many people neglect to check in with themselves and take care of their mental health. It’s really one of the easiest things to neglect.

This can lead to a number of issues, ranging to increased stress both at and away from the workplace, marital problems, depression and other emotional problems, and physical health issues arising from unaddressed stress.

Why Is It So Hard to Focus on Mental Health?

Unfortunately, many people simply lack the time or energy to focus on their mental health. Here is an image that is far too common in the daily lives of many people:

  • Jim wakes up before sunrise and drinks a cup of coffee – a psychostimulant known to contribute to stress – to combat his over-tired body. This will compound as stress. Jim drives through stressful traffic to get to work, where he spends 8 or 9 hours working to fulfill the requests of his boss – 8 or 9 hours spent listening to someone besides himself.

    Jim drinks another coffee halfway through the day – adding more physical stress to the emotional difficulties of taking orders while neglecting his own needs. A stressful drive home leaves Jim feeling too drained to do much of anything besides watch the News – an undeniable source of stress and fear – eat dinner, and sleep.

A lot of people who focus on their career are simply so drained that they don’t even think to get help for their mental health. Working in a job full of other people doing the same thing could also lead people to believe that this is simply the way that it is, or that this is simply the way things are until my career is more stable.

Should I Seek Help?

If you are a frequent victim of stress, anxiety, or other issues – work-related or seemingly otherwise – it’s important to seek help. Unfortunately, many people have been living with these issues for so long that they seem to be the ‘norm’ and they don’t recognize them as a problem.

Therapy is one of the best approaches. There are two great options:

  • Traditional therapy, in which a counselor or therapist will help you identify and address issues. Unfortunately, many busy professionals have a hard time making time for therapy appointments. In this case, it’s recommended to use the internet when searching for a therapist. It will reduce the amount of time spent on research, outreach to the therapist, setting the appointment itself, among a number of other benefits.

    CBT, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy, is one of the main methods that therapists across the globe are using to treat a variety of mental illness. This type of therapy is particularly common when treating depression.

In Conclusion

Many professionals are living with anxiety, high stress, or other mental health problems that they aren’t even aware of. This can lower the quality of their lives.


Even if you believe that you’re too busy or that your mental health is fine, searching for a therapist is the first step you should take. Find one that’s located in your vicinity, someone who deals with areas in which you need help, and set an appointment. It can be instrumental in helping to change your life for the better.


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