Your Personal Mission and Vision for Success

Today is Monday, September 7, 2009.  Happy Labor Day to all of my readers in the USA.

Clarity of purpose and direction is one of the keys to career and life success that I discuss in several of my books: Straight Talk for Success, Your Success GPS and 42 Rules to Jumpstart Your Professional Success.  To develop your personal clarity or purpose you need to do three things.  First, define what success means to you.  Second, create a vivid mental image of you as a success.  Third, clarify your personal values.  Once you define what success means to you personally, I suggest that you develop a clear mental picture of you as a success.  This image should be as vivid as you can you make it.

Clarity of purpose and direction has two components: your mission and your vision.  Think of it this way.  Your mission is your reason for existing; your passion.  It’ why you are on this earth.  Your mission is unlikely to change much over time.  Your vision is a statement of w here you are going; what you will achieve in the next 1, 5, 10 or 20 years.  Your vision will change as you reach time horizons.  Your vision should be a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).

My personal mission is…

To help others individuals, teams and entire organization achieve the success that they want and deserve by applying their common sense.

My personal vision is…

To create a profitable internet business that will allow me to share my optimistic message on career and life success and help as many people as I can by the end of 2010.  To make 100% of my income from the internet by 2015.

My mission hasn’t really changed since I started my business in 1988.  My vision has grown, changed and developed over the years.  Right now, I am interested in harnessing the power of the internet to help me live my purpose.  I want to create a profitable internet business over the next 15 months.  I want to be doing all of my business over the internet in five years time. 

The common sense point here is simple.  Successful people define their clarity of purpose and direction.  Think of your purpose as your mission in life – what you are on this earth to do.  Think of you direction as your vision for the next 1, 5 or ten years.  Your vision should be a BAG – a Big Hairy Audacious Goal – something for which you strive every day.  As you go through your days, take a few minutes to ask yourself two simple questions.  1) Am I living my purpose today?  2) Is what I’m doing right now helping me reach my vision?  Live your purpose.  Focus your attention on your vision.

That’s my take on your life’s mission and vision for this Labor Day.  What’s yours?  Please take a few minutes to leave a comment sharing your thoughts with us.  If you have defined your life’s mission and vision, feel free to share those also – we can all learn from seeing the lives others are creating.  As always, thanks for reading.


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