8 Behaviors That Drive Employers Crazy

Yesterday I did a post that outlined eight characteristics that employers value. Today I’d like to list eight behaviors that drive employers crazy. If any of these describe you, use the advice I provide below to help eliminate them.

Blaming Others

Employers hate people who play the blame game. Things won’t always work out in your career. There will be times when you are an excellent candidate for a promotion but still not get it. This is frustrating. But it is also an opportunity to learn. Don’t blame others when things don’t go as you want them to. Take a hard look at yourself. Identify your growth areas. Develop the skills that will put you at the top of the promotion list the next time around.

Easily Discouraged      

You’re going to experience some rejection and setbacks in your career. That’s a fact. But remember this. The career success game is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to win, you have to keep at it. Don’t let a setback or two get you down. You have to pick yourself up and go back to work the next day.

You can demonstrate your ability to bounce back and your commitment to your career success by doing three things. Take personal responsibility for your career success. Be willing to do the things necessary to succeed. Then set high goals – and then do whatever it takes to achieve them. Stuff happens. Don’t get discouraged and give up too soon. React positively to the setbacks and keep moving forward toward your goals, dreams and career success.

Negative Attitude

Nobody likes to be around negative people. They are energy black holes. Employers hate chronic complainers, those folks who always look for the bad in every situation. Bring a positive attitude to work with you every day. Be enthusiastic about your work and your company. Spend so much time improving yourself and your performance that you won’t have time to criticize others.

I bet you know at least one person who always responds negatively when you ask how he or she is doing. You know what I’m talking about – answers like “just peachy,” in a sarcastic tone, or “same sh**, different day.” Don’t be one of these people.

Not current

The world changes quickly. You’ve got to stay up on things, in your field, in your company, in your industry, in business in general. Not being current is a sure fire way to sabotage your career success.   Become a lifelong learner.

Read. Read technical journals. Read trade magazines and business publications  Read your company’s annual report. Read your competitors’ annual reports. Read your local newspaper and “The New York Times.” Read news magazines. Read business and industry blogs. Read ezines and eBooks. Read books.  Reading is the best way to stay up with what’s happening in your field, your company, your industry and business. Just remember to stay up on what’s happening in your field, your company and your industry.

 Always Acting Stressed

I once read an article that had some really terrible career advice. The author suggested that it’s good to give the appearance that you’re harried, so busy that you don’t even have time to finish lunch. He said you can accomplish this by leaving a half empty cup of oatmeal on your desk in the morning and a half eaten sandwich on your desk in the afternoon.

Not only does this have a high yuck factor, it brands you as someone whose professional life is out of control. Even if you’re feeling a little out of control, don’t let it show. Present yourself as a well-organized professional, someone who is in control.

Constantly Missing Deadlines

Deadlines are usually there for a good business reason. Miss them at your own risk. Your work is almost always part of a chain that leads to corporate profitability. When you’re late, or miss a deadline completely you’re gumming up the works. That’s why it’s important to meet your deadlines and commitments.

If you find that you’re not going to meet a deadline, tell the person who is counting on you and your work right away. Don’t let the deadline pass without saying anything. This is not only good manners, it helps the other person manager his or her work load.

Finally, don’t complain about being micro managed if you miss a lot of deadlines and your boss starts following up with you. That’s his or her job and the price you pay for not being reliable

On the other hand, you also have to keep focused on the big picture to avoid being overwhelmed by the sheer number of small tasks involved in completing a big project.

Not a team player

Business is a team sport. Lone rangers, no matter how productive they are, drive employers crazy. You can become known as a team player by following these six simple tips…

  1. Have a sharing orientation — Be willing to share your knowledge, expertise and ideas. The old saying, “Knowledge is power” is true only is you are willing to share what you know with your teammates.
  2. Be responsible — Do your part. Great team players do what they say they’ll do. They contribute. They ask for help only when they have exhausted all of their resources.
  3. Be positive -– Stay up beat, even when your team is under the gun. Visualize the thrill of success, not the pain of failure. Help your teammates see the positive in the most difficult of circumstances.
  4. Welcome and use feedback — Listen to your teammates. Welcome their feedback on your participation. Use what you learn.
  5. Be a consensus builder – Actively work to find solutions that meet the needs of all team members and stakeholders. Use compromise as a last resort.
  6. Be humble — Take your share of the credit, but remember you’re part of a team. Give credit to others where it is due.

Lack of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the foundation of good communication. It’s the first step in building positive relationships and in resolving conflict in a positive manner. Self-aware people understand how they are similar to, and different from other people.

They use this insight to help them do things like initiate relationships with a variety of people; determine how much they should disclose about themselves at various points in a relationship; and determine the appropriate amount of emotional support they should offer others. Self-aware people also use their knowledge of themselves and others to determine when and how to assert their displeasure with another person’s actions, and to manage and resolve interpersonal conflicts.

Do you exhibit any of these behaviors? If so, it’s time to change. Get going on this today. You’ll be happy you did tomorrow.

Your career mentor,


PS: I write this blog to help people create the life and career success they want and deserve. Now I’m going one step further. I’ve created a membership site in which I’ve pulled together my best thoughts on success. And, as a reader of this blog, you can become a member for free. Just go to https://budbilanich.com/join to claim your free membership. You’ll be joining a vibrant and growing community of success minded professionals. I hope to see you there.

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