What You Can Do With a Biology Degree

STEM fields are among the top fastest growing industries not only in the United States, but worldwide. As you may expect, this is attracting more and more students to study for degrees within the science, technology, and math arenas. One of the more popular undergraduate degrees is biology and it’s easy to see why. Biology offers paths into arenas both inside and outside the scientific research realm, opening a vast array of opportunities for students who accept the challenge of this difficult and exciting field of study. If you’re thinking about a degree in biology, but are unsure of the ways you can use it after you graduate, consider these areas where your studies not only apply, but give you a leg up on the competition for positions.


Of course, one of the main components of any degree in a scientific field is research. Scientists practice what they preach by studying daily— even after they’ve finished school. Many biology students choose to take their education even further by completing research at major universities or labs. Scientific research is not only a highly stimulating career, it is also important to the development of our society as a whole. Research biologists aim to develop knowledge of the world around us by studying living organisms and can come across some of the most exciting discoveries of our time thanks to technological advancements. Research is far from a boring desk job, it’s uncovering the secrets of our world by studying it and bringing new facts to light every day. What could be more rewarding for a science student?! Most research centers on specialized knowledge of particular areas of the wide-reaching study of biology, so if you have a particular interest in a subject, a research position could be your ideal career.


One of the major fields of interest to biology students often goes overlooked: pharmaceuticals. This exciting field deals with developing, testing, and distributing potentially life-saving medications to the public. Why should a biology student be interested in pharmaceuticals? For one, the industry is one of the most profitable in the nation as it works to develop cures for major diseases— no easy task! However, biology students have a unique insight into how micro-organisms work within the body and can offer some of the best insight into new drugs, while also offering stellar research and analytical abilities. If you’re a sales-minded scientists, many pharma companies are always looking for representatives to work with medical facilities around the nation to stock and supply certain prescriptions, there are also companies that use medical knowledge for claims of negligence as www.the-medical-negligence-experts.co.uk site. If you’ve got a knack for building relationships, this sales aspect could be a great fit for you.


It may seem a bit obvious, but the biggest draw for a degree in biology at GMercyU is access to the medical field. A majority of biology students answer to the calling of helping others and choose to enter medical or nursing school soon after graduation. Biology is, after all, the study of life and students who have an interest in furthering their passion for the subject often need to look no further than helping their fellow man. The medical field is rapidly advancing both in technological areas and improving patient care overall. While quite challenging, medical professionals are among the most highly regarded members of society because what they do is so vital to furthering life as we know it. If you have a passion for learning and want to be a member of the ranks of top physicians, surgeons, and nurses world-wide, the best place to start is with a degree in Biology.

A Stepping Stone

These are just a few of the fields you can enter after undergraduate studies in biology. Overall, a Bachelor’s Degree in biology is a stepping stone to some of the most rewarding and lucrative career paths in the world. By studying this constantly changing field, you are looking at life in new ways that may have never before been imagined. If you get a thrill from exploring new and challenging ideas, studying the intricacies of the world around you, and helping others live their very best lives, there’s no better place to start your career than with the study of life. Check out Indeed.com to find a variety of available positions for professionals with a biology degree.


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