Be Like Roger

Today is Friday, so this post is on interpersonal competence.

In this blog, I have often mentioned a characteristic that all interpersonally competent people seem to share.  That characteristic is a giving mentality, a willingness to give to others without expectation of anything in return.  Today, I’d like to tell you about a man who personifies this characteristic.  His name is Roger C. Parker.

Roger is a best selling author.  Over 1.6 million readers own copies of his 38 books that have been translated into 37 languages.  (Hmmm — 38 books, and only 37 languages – Roger is becoming a bit of a slacker.)  Seriously, Roger knows what he’s talking about when it comer to business and career books.

Roger and I met when he contacted me a couple of years ago about being a guest on Jay Conrad Levinson’s monthly call with his Guerilla Marketing inner circle subscribers.  I enjoyed myself on the call.  Both Roger and Jay were great hosts.

A couple of months ago, Roger took me up on my offer of a free copy of Conversations on Success, a book on which I share the cover with Brian Tracy and Stephen Covey.  We exchanged a few e mails.  In one of those e mails, I mentioned that I have written a new book on career and life success.  Roger and Jay volunteered to write back cover blurbs for me.  That was very generous.  The blurbs are great.  If you buy the book, you’ll get a chance to see them.

However, Roger didn’t stop there.  He called me to discuss the book and to offer his advice on marketing and promoting it.  We spoke for close to an hour – during which I filled up several pages of notes.

But Roger didn’t stop there either.  He gave me a complimentary trial membership to his membership site Published & Profitable   He even put me on his editorial board. 

If you’re interested in writing a book – or just improving your writing, I suggest you go to and take advantage of Roger’s offer of a free writer’s kit.

Published & Profitable is an amazing site for any one who is an aspiring or established author.  I used the information Roger presents in a variety of forms – checklist, article and webinar – to completely rethink the title of my new book.

I had been looking for information on how to title a book for quite a while.  My Google searches didn’t turn up anything of value.  However, Roger’s site provides a list of 12 characteristics of best-selling titles that Roger developed through extensive research.  These 12 characteristics helped me greatly in choosing a title for my new book.

All of this shows that Roger is a truly interpersonally competent guy with a truly giving mentality.  He was willing to share his knowledge and expertise with me, just because he wanted to help me succeed.

My call with Roger came at a great time.  Yesterday, at dinner, I was telling Cathy that it really helped my spirits.  I spend a lot of time helping friends and acquaintances.  I do it because I like it, and I want to be helpful.  However, lately it seemed that a lot of the good karma I thought I was generating through kind and helpful acts wasn’t coming back to me.  Then, I got Roger’s call – unexpected and right out of the blue. 

Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I silently chastised myself for not having enough faith in the universe and people like Roger. 

The common sense point here is simple.  If you give of yourself with no expectation of return, you will find that you will receive help and assistance at unexpected times and from unexpected people.

I’m sending as many good vibes Roger’s way as I can, because he certainly gave to me, when there is very little I can do for him. 

As the Beatles said “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.”  Roger Parker makes a lot of love.  That’s why he is an interpersonally competent guy.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for reading.  Log on to my website for more common sense.  Check out my other blog: for common sense advice on becoming the career and life success you are meant to be and to get a copy of my new ebook Star Power: Common Sense Ideas for Career and Life Success.

I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand – my fundraising page is still open.  Please go to to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.

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  1. Dear Bud:
    Thank you so much. I am deeply touched.

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