Mentors and Self Confidence

Self confidence is one of the five keys to a successful career and life that I discuss in Straight Talk for Success.  If you want to become self confident, you need to become optimistic, you need to face your fears and act, and you need to surround yourself with positive people.

Mentors by definition are positive people.  They are willing to share their time, energy and expertise to help others succeed.  Last week, Penelope Trunk did a great post on mentors on her Brazen Careerist blog.

Here are a few of the points she made:

  • “I tell people all the time to pick a mentor rather than picking a job.”
  • Once you “find a mentor, work hard to make sure you each understand each others’ goals. What you’ll get out of this relationship is a new way to be more of your true self.”
  • “A good mentor opens doors in our minds.  You can find that at any job, any company, anyplace your connection with someone is strong.”

Interesting thoughts, huh?  What do you think?  Have you had a mentor of mentors who have really helped you in your life and career?  If so, give them a shout out by leaving a comment here. 

I’ve had several mentors in my life.  Bert Phillips, Maggie Watson, Bill Rankin and Howard Sohn have all contributed to my career and life success. 

The common sense point here is simple.  Successful people are self confident.  Among other things, self confident people surround themselves with positive people.  Positive people help you over the roadblocks and disappointments you’ll encounter.  Mentors, by definition are positive people.  They are willing to give of themselves to help others people learn, grow and succeed.  And, as Penelope Trunk says, they “open doors in our minds.”  What could be more helpful than an open mind to anyone interested in becoming a career and life success?

That’s my take on self confidence and mentors.  What’s yours?  Please leave a comment sharing your thoughts.  I value every comment I receive.  Thanks for reading – and writing.




  1. What would you say the difference is between a mentor and someone that has advice for everything? (Not that the advice is bad or that it is coming from a negative place).
    If you are that person, are you doing the right thing by trying to help others? Or are you simply wasting your breath as a know it all?

  2. I had such a wonderful mentor! She changed my life. She taught me a whole new way of looking at life. I dedicated a book to her. She has since left the planet but I think about her always.

  3. Thanks for your comment, Maia. Mentors can change a life. That’s why I think it’s important to not only have a mentor, but to BE a mentor.
    I think it’s wonderful that you dedicated a book to your mentor. What is the title? Perhaps readers of this blog might find it helpful.
    All the best,

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