Social Media Mistakes That Can Cost You a Job

“The internet is a living, breathing entity that goes on indefinitely, and assessing a candidate’s social media presence is one of the top things recruiters do.”  So says David Blacker an executive recruiter.  He’s right.  Your social media presence can help or hurt your career.

Check out the story at the beginning of this article to see what I mean…

I like this piece of advice at the end of the article.  “You can be whoever you want to be on the internet, so be the kind of person you can be proud of.  Raise the standards of your behavior, and write things that will be helpful and make others feel good.”

These days it appears that some people seem to think that freedom of speech means they can say anything without suffering any consequences.  This is simply not true.  The first amendment to the US Constitution guarantees your right to freedom of expression.  It doesn’t guarantee that you will not be help accountable for your views.

The six blunders in this article…

  • Badmouthing employers and coworkers
  • Getting too personal
  • Being contradictory — or worse yet, lying
  • Poor grammar and spelling
  • Questionable content
  • Bullying

…can cost you a job.

So be smart about what you post on social media.  While it might feel good to lambast your boss, or to post a photo of you and your guys at a bachelor party, think twice before you do so.  Realize that these types of posts may come with some negative consequences.

Your career mentor,


PS: I write this blog to help people create the life and career success they want and deserve.  Now I’m going one step further.  I’ve created a membership site in which I’ve pulled together my best thoughts on success.  And, as a reader of this blog, you can become a member for free.  Just go to  to claim your free membership. You’ll be joining a vibrant and growing community of success minded professionals.  I hope to see you there.


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  1. “You can be whoever you want to be on the internet, so be the kind of person you can be proud of. Raise the standards of your behavior, and write things that will be helpful and make others feel good.”

    Great advice, one that cannot be stressed enough. In the previous month a similar piece featured on my blog, titled “Facebook is keeping you from getting a job”. I’d be honored if you could take a look at it Bud

  2. Just reposted your article Dan — adding a few thoughts of my own.

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