Today is my birthday and I have a present for you. It’s the least I can do as your career mentor.
It’s a 10 minute 30 item little quiz called the Career Success Readiness Quiz. I was so impressed with it, that after I answered the questions, I got on the phone and called Kathy Caprino, it’s author.
Check it out…
All 30 of these items are thought provoking and important indicators of career success.
The following six really nail it for me.
- I know what I’m passionate about and what I want to focus on for my livelihood, versus what I want to keep as a hobby or outside interest.
- I have concrete, measureable and specific short-term and long-term goals for my career, and I know where I’m taking it.
- I have both mentors and sponsors in my life who give me important feedback and have the power and influence to open new doors for me.
- I am serving as a mentor of other individuals who need help on their professional path.
- I know how to promote myself, my work and my accomplishments in a way that feels good, appropriate and produces great positive results.
- I am continually building on my skillset and capabilities so my skills and my value in the workforce won’t become outdated or obsolete.
In short, you have to be passionate about what you do. You have to have short and long term goals. You need mentors and sponsors — and you need to pay it forward by mentoring others. You need to feel comfortable promoting yourself. And you need to become a lifelong learner continually updating your skillset.
Take the quiz and let me know how you did.
Your career mentor,
PS — You can download free copies of two of my most popular books Success Tweets and Success Tweets Explained here. When you do, you’ll begin receiving my daily success quotes and become a member of my career mentoring site.
Thanks so much, Bud, for featuring my quiz. I love your take (and summary) of the key points that hit home for you. So glad it resonated, and I look forward to hearing what other folks in your community get from it. Love your great work as a career mentor. Thanks again! Kathy
Thank you for your kind words Kathy. Your quiz is dynamite. It really gets at the heart of life and career success.