Your First Career Mistake

I am proud to be a member of the CareerHMO community.  In my work as a coach there I, and my colleagues, help people find the right jobs for them.  JT O’Donnell is the founder and CEO of CareerHMO.  In this video she discusses the first career mistake most of us make — choosing something that gets approval from the people around us.

Check it out…

JT is right on here.  Too many people end up in jobs and careers because that’s what other people wanted for them.  It’s almost a cliché but the world is full of unhappy doctors and lawyers who chose those careers because it made their parents happy. I actually know a who specializes in helping lawyers find new careers — outside of the law.

Clarity is important when it comes to choosing a career.  You need to define exactly what career success means to you.  Then you need to create a vivid mental image of yourself as that success.  After you do these two things you can embark on creating a successful and fulfilling life and career.

My fellow CareerHMO coaches and I can help you do just this.  If you’re interested in taking the first step in building the career of your dreams check us out.  You can find my CareerHMO coach page here.  Come by and take a look.  Let me help you be the career success you deserve to be.

Your career mentor,


PS: I am committed to helping you create a successful and fulfilling life and career.  That’s why I’ve put together a career membership site.  Readers of this blog can join for free.  Just go to and enter your contact information.  You’ll be joining a vibrant, growing group of success minded professionals.  I hope to see you there.



  1. I’m finding that switching careers is a lot easier said than done. Trying to keep your profile consistent when your trying to look for 2 different alternative options than what you currently have experience in has me stumped. I like one alternative more than the other but I need to start making some money too and it seems the longer I wait the further I get away from what I really want. Thoughts?

  2. Don:
    Thanks for your comment. Please feel free to email me to set up a free half hour coaching session to discuss your situation in detail.

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